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To assume the corresponding responsibility for the Sustainability aspects, a Green Team was confirmed in 2005. This team comprises 30 representatives of stakeholders in the Government and the community, who lead the Agenda 21 Committee.

The Green Team is divided into 7 groups, each with a key criteria aligned with the EarthCheck Program. These groups are:

  1. Sustainability Policy

  2. Energy Efficiency, Conservation and Management

  3. Efficiency in the use of water and wastewater treatment

  4. Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Air Quality and Noise Control.

  5. Waste reduction, reuse and recycling, use and storage of hazardous substances.

  6. Diffusion and Culture

  7. Training

Some of the initiatives designed to improve Huatulco's Sustainability performance include the development of a new sanitary landfill, in compliance with international regulations, which will facilitate the separation of recyclable waste from non-recyclable waste.

Every year, new measures are designed and implemented by the Green Team.

This development is expected to allow a reduction in waste by at least 80%. A recycling center will also be built for the collection of recyclable products such as newspapers, cardboard, metal and aluminum cans, glass and plastics that will later be transmitted to the companies in charge of recycling them. Each school will have its own waste collection, where the waste will be separated from recyclables and organics. The latter will be used in the composting process. In this way, students will learn best waste management practices, along with other issues related to environmental protection through training programs.

Finally, with the aim of reducing the use of plastic bags in Huatulco, educational campaigns in self-service stores will train users on the importance of using reusable bags for shopping. This in order to radically reduce the production of solid waste and reduce the potential damage to the already vulnerable marine life in the region.


Green team committed to Huatulco, manages two fundamental activities for this tourism development, such is the case of the certification and the neutral carbon neutralization program. Below you can learn more about them.



Integrally Planned Bahías de Huatulco the Earthcheck Environmental Management System, a system developed by EC3 Global to support the Green Globe international certification – a brand created in 1994 by the World Travel and Tourism Council – as a sustainability evaluation and certification methodology for the tourism industry. travel and tourism applicable to: companies, communities, as well as predetermined tourist areas or zones.

In 2005 Huatulco became the first Sustainable Tourist Community in the American Continent certified under the EarthCheck Environmental Management System.

The implementation of the EartCheck Environmental Management System in Huatulco has allowed us to monitor the consumption of drinking water and energy (electricity, gasoline, diesel and LP gas) as well as the generation of garbage and greenhouse gas emissions of the entire community in those we have achieved, thanks to the participation of society as a whole and, through the programs implemented with civil organizations, academics, private initiative and the three levels of government, maintain them within the denomination "best practice" or practices excellent in the same system thus maintaining the efficient use of water and energy resources; and the decrease in waste generation.


Huatulco Carbon Neutral is a Huatulco Green Team project whose primary objective is to help mitigate global warming by neutralizing emissions from all economic activity in tourism development and, in turn, strengthening the sustainability of the tourism community through local programs that guarantee a better quality of life for the inhabitants of the region.

The determination of the carbon footprint (footprint) of CIP Huatulco motivated the creation and implementation of the Huatulco Carbon Neutral program, a program designed to generate economic contributions through the tourism industry, with the aim of neutralizing GHG emissions emitted by the entire local and tourist community through the acquisition of green bonds or carbon bonds in international markets, specifically acquired in sustainable projects of conservation and reforestation of forests and jungles in Mexico endorsed by the United Nations, benefiting people with this of the communities they live in and of these, seeking at the same time to improve their quality of life.

Huatulco Carbon Neutral is launched on August 2, 2011 as a tourist destination project whose main sponsors have been: Sunwing - Canadian tour operator - and Green My Room; as well as FONATUR and the IP, mainly through the Association of Hotels and Motels of Bahías de Huatulco, A.C., and which was qualified as one of the best projects at the national level by the Mexico Initiative 2011.


Equipo Verde implements sustainable programs through its Huatulco Green Team Coordinating Committee, in which representatives of the main social, economic, cultural, educational and government sectors participate, through which actions are implemented in the short, medium and long term. to turn Huatulco into the main sustainable tourist community in the country and the world.


To be a leading citizen group in the integration and organization of the different social actors in the tourism development of Bahías de Huatulco, generating synergies that allow us to jointly and strategically define a path towards sustainability.


Reach 2012 as a society consolidated in its environmental culture, achieving a better quality of life for its inhabitants.


Working hard day by day in the conservation of our natural resources. Some activities that Equipo Verde implements to make all this possible are:

  1. Environmental training in schools, workplaces and community centers

  2. Environmental and sustainability conferences and talks

  3. Collection, separation and confinement of batteries and batteries

  4. Participatory program for the separation and collection of solid waste

  5. Solid waste reuse workshops for children

  6. Reforestation and conservation of mangroves

  7. Participation in the commemoration of national and international environmental events

  8. Permanent environmental advertising campaigns and children's campaigns

  9. Joint campaigns with hotels and government institutions

  10. Promotion of business environmental certification programs

  11. Active participation in different committees for the conservation of the environment

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